
Opinion: Can we finally end the political posturing on Benghazi?

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Denver on June 28.
(Andrew Harnik, / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The loss of life is tragic but should not be the fodder of partisanship.

Now that the House has completed its reports, the official Benghazi investigations number around eight. When distilled, these reports reveal the common conclusion that there was a lack of communication and cooperation between the branches and agencies of our government. (Re “ No case against Clinton in GOP report,” June 29)

Yet the House reports and the subsequent congressional interviews reveal the endemic political posturing that has become a forefront feature of our legislature. This lack of communication and cooperation is not specific to Congress. We as an electorate are apathetic. We are concerned primarily with our own well- being.

We do not wish to give up our time or be inconvenienced. We are indifferent, so we allow our elected officials to engage in wasteful partisan political bickering.


Our lack of dedication is displayed in our restricting people’s ability to vote. We fail to make our voices heard because we have to pick up the kids or get to the gym.

Certainly there are those among us that care about the issues and try to make themselves heard — but we are few. Our do-nothing legislature is following in our footsteps. Our Congress is a microcosm of ourselves. Shame on us.

Barry Pollack, Los Angeles



To the editor: For those who doubt the purely political intent of the congressional Republicans’ endless Benghazi investigations:

Number of deadly terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies and diplomats during the Bush administration: Dozens

Republican outrage: 0

Congressional investigations: 0

Secretaries of State smeared: 0

Michael K. Finnigan, Encino



To the editor: Hillary Clinton moves on and wants us to say, “I’m with her.”

But history lives and it matters. If Clinton is to be elected, she has to move out beyond her husband and their mutual calculations and make it clear she is independent enough to lead this country.

We need to see Clinton convincingly embrace democratic ideals and solid populist ideas that once guided the Democratic Party and improved life for all Americans. Bernie Sanders provided the template, a message that galvanized millions to vote for him.

Frances O’Neill Zimmerman, La Jolla


To the editor: Republican politicians are focusing the attention of the media on four Americans being murdered at our embassy in Benghazi.

I wish the media would pay the same attention to the war that President George Bush started in Iraq based on a false claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. An estimated half a million civilians were murdered along with tens of thousands of Iraqi and Americans soldiers, trillions of dollars were squandered and that part of the world is still dangerously destabilized.

Was that war an horrific mistake or an unpunished crime against humanity?

Bob Fisher, Encinitas


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