
Donald Trump wants to make America afraid again

President Trump speaks Wednesday in Washington.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)
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To the editor: I am scared — not of terrorists, but of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and what he is doing to this country. (“Donald Trump plays the fear card at the Republican convention,” editorial, July 21)

And I’m amazed that despite his lying continuously, bigotry, fear mongering, belittling of immigrants, nastiness, crassness toward women, deceitful business dealings and economic ideas that could lead us to a depression, the biggest deal of the Republican National Convention was that Trump’s wife plagiarized part of her speech from Michelle Obama.

And the irony of stealing from the wife of President Obama, the man Trump hates, should make me laugh. But with Trump, I’ve lost my sense of humor.


Susan Jacobs, Studio City


To the editor: The Republican convention was a modern-day Roman circus. It was designed to keep the masses amused, aroused and divided by throwing “undesirables” to the populist lions so no one will look at the real issues or the mismanagement and corruption of their rulers.

The best the Republicans can offer the nation is a sound-bite presidential candidate who is all ego, throws a fit if he doesn’t get his way and has no national vision but his own bottom line.


Amid a crisis of global and national violence and runaway climate change, are we to trust a businessman who makes his money by cutting other people’s jobs, shortchanges the educations of people who paid for it and runs away from problems his businesses create?

Caveat emptor.

Suvan Geer, Santa Ana

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