
Readers React: Palestinians in Gaza continue to be killed — and they’re supposed to be dangerous?

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To the editor: In the reporting on the face-off at the Israel-Gaza Strip border, the Los Angeles Times has provided articles presenting the quotes of Israeli military officials accompanied by photographs of Palestinians engaged in protest, even when the Palestinian violence is that of a double amputee in a wheelchair throwing a rock with a slingshot.

I suggest that we should also therefore see quotes of protesters who have been shot accompanied by multiple photographs of Israeli snipers and other forms of the massive U.S.-enabled Israeli military force brought to bear against the double amputee and his colleagues.

That would more accurately communicate the balance of violence in this “clash,” as reflected in the extraordinarily one-sided casualty figures: Scores of Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured since the Gaza protests began last month, and not a single Israeli has died.


Gary Stewart, Laguna Beach


To the editor: The rioters in Gaza are not peaceful protesters. Their goal is to destroy Israel, and they do not hide it.

It is rarely mentioned that from the day of Israel’s independence in 1948, Gaza was under the control of Egypt, not Israel. The Palestinian state that was to be was thwarted by Arab nations, not the Jewish state.


From 1967 (when Israel defeated Egypt) until 2005 (when Israeli unilaterally withdrew), the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had a significant improvement in their lives. It all crashed when Israel left and Hamas took over. These are facts that rarely make your pages, but they do paint a different picture.

No one is denying that the people of Gaza are suffering, but their pain has been caused by the leaders they choose.

Gil Stein, Aptos, Calif.


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