
Readers React: Americans can learn something from the British royal family’s enthusiastic embrace of Meghan Markle

Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle wave during their carriage procession outside Windsor Castle on May 19.
(Paul Ellis / AP)
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To the editor: Who would have guessed that the staid British monarchy would provide a lesson on race relations to the United States?

Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s wedding was a celebration of two very different cultural traditions, a contrapuntal contrast of Anglican pageantry and African exhortation, of the quintessentially British Choir of St. George’s Chapel and the majority black gospel group Kingdom Choir.

At a time when cultural differences are disrespected at the highest levels in the U.S., the British royal family and the Anglican Church hierarchy bent over backward to incorporate Markle’s cultural heritage into the wedding ceremonies. If only our political leaders would show similar respect to the different cultural traditions practiced in the U.S.


William McCarthy, Malibu


To the editor: In his op-ed article, “What are your chances of marrying a prince? Better than getting conked by an asteroid,” Dan Newman nicely sums up why no 10-year-old daughter of mine would be allowed to watch a royal wedding: Once she has seen Markle at the altar, the improbability of her becoming a fawned-over princess no longer matters, she will aspire to that goofy goal.

The pompous spectacle of British monarchy nuptials has much in common with other kinds of overwrought entertainment staged for vacuous masses, such as inane “reality” TV programs and unctuous soap operas.


All such shows are banned in my home. I’d rather have my kids watching “The Simpsons,” which may be filled with edgy humor, but it’s much more relevant to our everyday lives than royal weddings.

Sarah S. Williams, Santa Barbara



To the editor: Excessive frivolity is an apt description of your coverage. What a waste. How about special sections on the demise of democracy in America?

The royal wedding was just the marriage of two young people, one of whom had a mother who for a limited time was married to a man who is the son of the current queen of England. Yes, there is a story there, but not as you (and others) make up.

Michael Miller, Los Angeles

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