
Opinion: Why doesn’t James Comey run for president?

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To the editor: In this snake pit of a presidential campaign, I long ago decided that FBI Director James Comey is the only person who is trying to be objective, fair, honest and thoroughly professional. I wish he was running for president. (“FBI director should have known what his Clinton emails letter would unleash,” Opinion, Oct. 28)

Your headline puts the spotlight on the wrong person. Clinton is the person who put herself “on the spot,” and Comey is only doing his job as fairly as possible under these twisted circumstances.

Joel Anderson, Studio City



To the editor: I am so tired of the FBI and its handling of the Clinton email case. The FBI and the Republican Party have made a longstanding witch hunt out of trying to catch Clinton in supposed misdeeds.

The Republicans have used valuable time and money that could have been much better spent solving our domestic problems and actually doing something in Congress. Clinton has been in numerous congressional hearings, but still they go after her.

To me, this is a type of harassment. It may not be the blatant physical type that Republican Donald Trump has said he prefers, but it certainly is harassment. And Trump’s calls at his rallies to “lock her up” are prime examples of this mentality.


By continuing these egregious actions, Trump, the FBI and the Republican Party are further denigrating our democracy.

Bonnie Flamer, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: I have to laugh when I see Democrats gnashing their teeth over the revelation of new emails in the Clinton national security investigation.


This is too close to the election, they whine. Really?

Do those same Democrats not remember Lawrence Walsh’s indictment of Caspar Weinberger four days before the 1992 election, in which President George H.W. Bush lost to Democrat Bill Clinton? What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Stephen Reich, Oxnard


To the editor: Ironically, there may be a silver lining for Clinton.

Until Friday, the feeling had been growing that the race was over and Clinton’s victory was assured, and there was a real risk that her supporters were becoming overconfident and beginning to ease off the campaigning throttle.

My guess is that this development has shaken Clinton’s supporters out of their complacency and will cause them to jump back into the trenches, resume campaigning and getting out the vote at full steam.

Steven Renick, Los Alamitos

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