
Opinion: California Democrats may have total control in Sacramento, but readers are watching them

California state Sen. Janet Nguyen speaks Saturday at the California Republican Party convention in Sacramento.
(Carl Costas / For The Times)
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Local Republicans have found a hero, or California’s Democratic politicians are not as beloved as one might think. Or both.

That could be the takeaway from reading the letters reacting to the harsh treatment visited upon state Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove) for speaking ill of the late left-wing activist and longtime California legislator Tom Hayden on the Senate floor last week. Nguyen, a Vietnamese war refugee, tried to condemn Hayden’s controversial opposition to the American war effort in Vietnam before the Democrats who control the Senate cut her off, ostensibly for breaking the rules.

Democrats have super-majorities in both legislative chambers in Sacramento; the letters below remind them that they’re being watched.


Fullerton resident Chris Norby, a former Orange County supervisor who served one term in the state Assembly, agrees with Nguyen’s opposition to both Hayden and President Trump:

What is unique about the treatment of Nguyen? Sadly, not a thing.

— Jay Smith, Highland Park

Kudos to my former Orange County Board of Supervisors colleague Nguyen for her frank comments on both Hayden and Trump.


On Trump, Times columnist George Skelton quoted her as saying, “I didn’t vote for him ... I disagree with him a lot. I wouldn’t know where to start.”

It’s good to hear another pro-freedom Republican speaking out.

Jay Smith of Highland Park isn’t surprised by how Nguyen was treated:

What is unique about the treatment of Nguyen? Sadly, not a thing.

The bullying employed against her has become standard operating procedure by liberals nationwide. Try to give voice to a conservative viewpoint on a college campus, and you’ll see what I mean.


This kind of behavior had better be reined in.

Newport Beach resident Pat Ormsbee cautions his fellow Democrats:

Having total control over California politics gives Democrats a major responsibility to use all that authority wisely. As a Democrat, I want to make sure they do not make us regret giving them that power.

That is why Skelton, in his column Thursday, was absolutely on target to label Nguyen’s removal from the Senate chamber “one of the dumbest things ever perpetrated by a California legislative leader.”

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León’s apology notwithstanding, Nguyen should be given at least 30 minutes of free speaking time to address the state Senate about anything she wants, from the majority leader’s desk, and de León should make sure every Democrat is there to listen politely.

Barbara Russell of Santa Ana detects hypocrisy:

Nguyen was removed from the Senate chamber for disrespect when she got up to speak about Hayden. Years ago, as a supervisor, she disrespectfully removed herself from the chamber when a gay resident spoke.


There was scarcely a peep made about that.

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