
Readers React: Sheriff Jim McDonnell has made his deputies uncomfortable. He must be doing something right

Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell speaks at a news conference in downtown Los Angeles on July 17.
(Ariel Tu / AP)

To the editor: It’s no surprise that ALADS, the union representing Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies, has endorsed retired Lt. Alex Villanueva over incumbent Jim McDonnell.

McDonnell was made responsible for changing the culture of the largest sheriff’s department in the country when he was elected in 2014. Change can result in resistance from the old guard.

ALADS complains that deputy morale is low under McDonnell. That’s not surprising since he has focused on creating a new, more transparent and accountable culture that requires deputies to get out of their comfort zone. He is in the process of implementing needed changes that increase accountability and public confidence in the department.


I don’t know Villanueva and am in no position to suggest he was in part responsible for the problems in the department. But I do know McDonnell, as we worked together in the Los Angeles Police Department. He is an intelligent, ethical leader who wants nothing more than to make the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department the best it can be.

He has my support and endorsement for reelection.

Dan Watson, Glendale

The writer served as police chief in South Pasadena and Mammoth Lakes.

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