
Readers React: Opponents of the gas tax want better roads — but they also want better politicians

Dueling campaign signs in Fullerton on May 30 urge voters either to recall state Sen. Josh Newman or retain him.
(Chris Carlson / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The Times Editorial Board once again shows how isolated it is from the public with its June 7 piece “The gas tax was once a smart Republican idea. Now the GOP cynically uses it to bludgeon Democrats.”

Yes, the GOP probably used the recently recalled state Sen. Josh Newman’s vote in support of the gas tax as a means to remove him and gain some control in government. But the voters’ reason for supporting the Republican effort was not, as The Times alleges, “irresponsible” and without a desire that our roads be improved. The voters supported the recall because they have no confidence that the extra gas tax will be used for improving infrastructure.

Voters too often have seen tax money get diverted for a politician’s pet project. We should not give another cent to our politicians until they learn to be responsible.

David Bore, Winnetka



To the editor: Republicans used the gas tax as a reason to recall an Orange County senator.

Voters should consider that California cities have the worst air pollution in the country. The primary cause of this pollution is gas vehicle exhaust. The result of cutting this tax, based on simple supply-and-demand relationships, would be to increase the amount of gas sold and therefore burned up in our air, increasing people’s risk of developing respiratory problems.

Do the Republicans have an alternate plan to avoid this increase in air pollution? No.

People who buy gas would like to have extra money in their pockets, but there are ways of distributing money that don’t cause disease. We would be well-advised to explore them.

Eugene Krc, Torrance


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