
Readers React: Note to Trump: Saying you want the Mueller investigation to end makes you look guilty

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III departs Capitol Hill following a closed-door meeting in 2017.
(Andrew Harnik / AP)
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To the editor: The president has it wrong: Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation is not a witch hunt. It’s a “what” hunt. (“Mueller’s investigation isn’t going to ‘wrap up’ soon — and Trump is still in peril,” Opinion, May 16)

What happened to our intelligence services during the run-up to the 2016 election? What happened when James B. Comey, the then director of the FBI, made a questionable call in announcing the status of the non-case of Hillary Clinton’s emails?

And what misalignment of Russian craft and an egomaniac’s ambition for power has almost destroyed the very paradigm of democracy and freedom?


Sheldon Willens, Los Angeles


To the editor: You stop by your mother’s home for a visit and find her lying in her living room dead from a gunshot wound. The police begin investigating.

After a year they have developed several good leads but the investigation continues. You contact the chief of police and urge him to end the investigation. After all, it’s been a whole year. Does anyone doubt that you would immediately become the chief suspect in your mother’s death?


As constitutional law professor Harry Litman correctly points out, the Mueller investigation is still in its infancy. It will go on until it is done. That’s how investigations work.

Calling for an end just makes President Trump and his allies look like they are guilty of something.

Mark Spiegel, Torrance



To the editor: Litman is preaching to the choir. The conservatives who support Trump tend not to read the Los Angeles Times. They see it as part of a liberally oriented mainstream media.

While the Mueller investigation’s legal battle may be won, the administration’s public opinion campaign may yet render the president a tenable candidate in 2020.

We need to get big money out of politics, abandon the electoral college and educate the public about where fake news really comes from to preserve what the Founding Fathers bestowed upon us.

Hal Rothberg, Calabasas


To the editor: In the article “Approval of Russia investigation slips as Trump’s ramped-up attacks solidify his base against it,” one person quoted says the Republicans “want it over with because that will allow the president to get back to his agenda.”

This says it all. Who cares about unchecked corruption, greed and flouting of law and order as long as the Republicans get their agenda passed?


The hypocrisy from the people who sold themselves as the party of morals and the rule of law is astounding.

Noelle De Vita, Valencia

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