
Opinion: Regrets, Mueller’s had a few. But he’s still the right special prosecutor for Trump

Robert S. Mueller III, then FBI director, looks on during a news conference in the White House Rose Garden in June 2013.
Robert S. Mueller III, then FBI director, looks on during a news conference in the White House Rose Garden in June 2013.
(Olivier Douliery / Getty Images)
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To the editor: I understand why you would feel the need to print such an article as “As he investigates Trump’s aides, Robert Mueller’s record shows surprising flaws.”

But it takes courage to make mistakes, learn from them and keep on going. After reading this article, I respect special counsel Robert S. Mueller III even more now that I know he has persevered and risen above errors of judgment and continued accepting responsibility.

I wish all Americans had his attitude and willingness to accept the great challenges needed to keep democracy well in our country. I also pity those Americans who value their political dogmas more than the worth of leaders who are honest and of good character.


Barbara Snider, Huntington Beach


To the editor: I understand the need to report all things political, but the print headline, “Mueller’s record doesn’t always match reputation,” and the subheadline, “Russia special counsel has shown fallible judgment in the past,” totally plays into the hands and tweets of Trump and his minions.

Of course anyone who has held the positions that Mueller has held would not be perfect. But to announce his flaws and missteps in such a way only helps that despicable man in office stay there.


Shelley Butler, Chatsworth

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