
Readers React: Suck it up, House Democrats, and make Nancy Pelosi your speaker

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) leaves a news conference at the Capitol on Nov. 15.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) leaves a news conference at the Capitol on Nov. 15.
(J. Scott Applewhite / AP)
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To the editor: All the talk about a number of House Democrats opposing the speakership bid by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) concerns me.

For years the Republicans have demonized her. It is their sneaky way of dealing with accomplished people who make their own political lives difficult. Unfortunately, this constant negativity about Pelosi has seeped over into the thinking of some Democrats.

Remember, Pelosi is experienced and effective, so it is no wonder the Republicans fear her.


House Democrats need her as speaker once again to continue the positive movement of the midterm election. This is no time for a neophyte, and it does not surprise me that Pelosi’s reported plan is to nurture a replacement who would take over at the right moment.

Judith Lewis, Claremont


To the editor: I take exception to the claim that Nancy Pelosi led her party to retake the House.

The “blue wave” was brought about by countless progressive grass-roots activists seeking to challenge wealth inequality and to restore “representative” government that is genuinely of, for and by the people.


What has been described as a “faction” of Democrats opposing Pelosi is probably the majority of her party.

For example, a recent poll revealed that 70% of the American people — and 85% of Democrats — support Medicare for all. How can someone like Pelosi, who has downplayed the importance of that crucial, life-saving reform, claim to be a Democratic Party leader?

Ernest A. Canning, Claremont



To the editor: The Democratic Party has a big tent under which many different opinions are shared. Sorting all this out demands experience, and Pelosi is precisely the general Democrats need between now and 2020.

I fear that Democrats who oppose Pelosi are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of an enormous victory.

— Derek Lane, Culver City

That’s the problem, which I don’t think many Democrats understand: The party is not finished yet. It needs to hold together its majority until we vote again in 2020.

The right people seem to hate Pelosi. This is because the Republicans fear her and what a Democratic majority, united behind a Speaker Pelosi, can do.

The idea that America voted for change and therefore does not want Pelosi as speaker, as put forth by the 16 Democrats who signed a letter opposing her, is false. Americans did not vote to change the House’s Democratic leadership; it voted to remove the Republicans from power and give it to the Democrats.

I fear that Democrats who oppose Pelosi are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of an enormous victory.


Derek Lane, Culver City


To the editor: Recently I attended a powwow where Native American culture was on full display. The atmosphere of sharing and community was profound.

More pervasive was the overwhelming respect and reverence for the elders. They are honored for their wisdom and experience.

House Democrats will soon elect the next House speaker. There are rumblings of the need for new and fresh leadership. With the amazing influx of women elected, including the youngest representative ever, it appears there will be plenty of new ideas.

The leadership, however, needs to go the wisest and most capable, from whom the inexperienced may learn. Pelosi is that wise elder.


We “Americans” could learn much from the original peoples of this land.

Patricia LoVerme, South Pasadena

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