
Opinion: Presidential press conferences are the new reality show. Or perhaps the new circus

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To the editor: Welcome to the new regime.

Trump is officially vilifying the free press, calling it “fake news” for reporting a story that was not fawning to him. Tyrants do that, presidents don’t.

We are in for four very long years unless Republicans in Congress finally say enough and impeach and prosecute him for nepotism, treason ( and a myriad of other offenses that I’m sure he’ll commit). That is, if he doesn’t reduce the entire planet to radioactive slag in a temper tantrum.

( “Trump says spy agencies leaked false document,” Jan. 12, and “At war with all sides, and no plan to change course,” Analysis, Jan. 12)


Americans have definitely gotten what they deserved.

Thank god we prevented someone who had an email server from being elected.

Scott W. Hughes, Westlake Village


To the editor: This is so far beyond irony that we will have to invent another word to describe it.

For Trump to complain about “Nazi tactics” — the process of telling outright lies repeatedly until they become accepted as truth — is the single best example of his total and complete hypocrisy.

The man who quite literally originated the concept of “fake news” — who built a campaign on a total fabrication about a real president not having been born in the U.S. despite any evidence to prove the assertion — is now complaining about being the focus of potentially inaccurate reporting.


Where is the outrage at his behavior?

Why is the press not clearly reporting every one of his made-up assertions as what they are: lies.

This incompetent egomaniac has to be confronted every time he tries to deceive us or his lies will slowly become “normalized,” and we will all go down the river to hell.

Jim B. Parsons, Canyon Lake



To the editor: At his press conference, Trump asked “Do you honestly believe Hillary would be tougher on Putin than me?”

Yes, Mr. Trump, she would.

President Vladimir Putin prefers Trump because Hillary Clinton insisted on pressing Putin about human rights.

It’s abundantly clear that President-elect Trump has no such concerns.

It’s amazing how well you can get along with a tyrant when you’re willing to sell out his victims.

Richard Murphy, Whittier


To the editor: I am not a reporter.

I am just a “worker-bee” private citizen.

I would respectfully like to see the president-elect’s tax returns.

Stacey Cole, Lancaster


To the editor: If you have a sense of humor, you had to enjoy the pilot for Trump’s new reality show, AKA “press conference.”


The star of the new “You-Are-Picking-On-Me” narcissistic paranoid drama made it clear that others are rude, very rude, dishonest, very dishonest but not him. The press is very very dishonest, they ask questions. That is not honest!

At the end of the day, the only thing any normal American viewer can be sure about is that for such a big man he sure has small hands, but he waves them in a big way.

Panfilo Fuentes, Bakersfield


To the editor: Pity the poor Times: it has been two months since Trump won the presidency and your paper is still mired in liberal self-pity.

I for one am sick and tired of your biased one-sided reporting and fake news stories, which appear daily on your front page. Have you forgotten that personal opinions and biases belong on the editorial page?

Since the election, I think The Times is as credible as the National Enquirer.

Bill White, Arleta



To the editor: In this time of crisis, it is vital that journalists unite. You shouldn’t allow Trump to shut any reporter down.

At the press conference, every other news organization’s representatives should have stood up and corrected Trump on his statement that CNN was fake news. Then, the other journalists should have asked the same question that the CNN reporter was going to ask until Trump understood the strength of a free press.

Why are you being so polite at this direct attack on this nation’s democracy?

Marina Parker, Glendale, Ariz.


To the editor: In the press conference, Trump was asked a very direct question about “Obamacare,” and his answers showed him blissfully unaware, as always, that the cost of private health insurance is dictated by private insurance companies. Trash talk, fantastic stories and magic tricks.

Welcome to the circus, folks.

Bob Loza, Burbank


To the editor: Everyone who is anyone seems to be standing around wringing their hands as Trump continues on this dangerous and unprecedented path to discredit the media, U.S. intelligence agencies and anybody else who dare to disagree with him.


He’s a bully who projects his character traits and sinister tendencies onto those he views as his adversaries.

The only person Trump has not criticized is, of course, Putin. I find that fact highly suspicious.

We don’t need a crystal ball to see the catastrophe that awaits us. Our cherished democracy is truly in peril.

Ramona Saenz, Alhambra


To the editor: Trump knows so well the best defense is a good offense.

But, doth he protest too much? He attacks anybody making any negative comments about him as being over-rated, a liar, dishonest, phony, irrelevant, incompetent, etc.

His appeal to so many has shielded him from accountability, but even his most ardent supporters may soon become concerned about his character, honesty and capability.


I really like many aspects of Trump’s approach to deal from strength and command a level of respect that has been absent from the country’s present leadership. I am concerned he may overplay his hand and cause crisis for our country.

Sid Pelston, Beverly Hills


To the editor: At least twice, Trump has said that if the information we, the voters, got from the Russian hacking was something we needed to know, then maybe it is a good thing.

Do you think maybe they have his tax returns?

Mark Temple, Huntington Beach

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