
Opinion: Rio Olympics not winning medals in broadcast coverage or sports language

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To the editor: The reason the ratings for the Olympics are down is because people are sick and tired of all the commercial interruptions on NBC.

(“A new Olympic hurdle,” Business, Aug. 16, and “The Olympics of sexist news,” Aug. 12)

We understand that NBC has invested a lot in bringing the Olympics to television, but it’s more like commercials interrupted by Olympic coverage.


Eileen Gelon, Beverly Hills


To the editor: What is it that you don’t understand about viewer interest in watching the Olympics on any medium?

The real problem is being barraged by NBC’s commercials. Everything from the Olympics to Washington politics is for sale.


Roger Newell, San Diego


To the editor: It is cause for celebration to read that the percentage of female athletes in the Olympics has risen from 13% in 1964 to 45% today in Rio.

At the same time, it is very disheartening to hear the way that some members of the media are denigrating the accomplishments of these women by focusing on their appearance, clothes, husbands or boyfriends. Some of the comments quoted in the article were downright disgusting.


It continues to be a long slow climb for women to be treated with full respect, equality and dignity.

Joanna Ryder, Hermosa Beach

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