
Opinion: ‘Rough’ replies right back at Trump comments on policing

President Trump speaks at Suffolk Community College in Brentwood, N.Y.
President Trump speaks at Suffolk Community College in Brentwood, N.Y.
(Spencer Platt / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Trump Supporters, is this really what you wanted? I am embarrassed almost daily by Trump and his staff. What a mess. (“Trump calls for a ‘rough’ use of force,” July 28)

His remarks at the police convention show that he has little regard for the rule of law. His remarks at the Boy Scout Jamboree show that his judgment is seriously flawed. His arrogance has no boundary.

Good luck to Gen. John Kelly. I hope he can bring some order and dignity to this office. At this point in time, the entire country is ashamed.


Kenneth Sears, Northridge


To the editor: There is no doubt as to what sort of person Donald Trump really is. It does not matter that many people do not care about that fact.

If a police officer acts in the manner that Trump suggests, he should be labeled a “Trumpkin.” That should apply to all antisocial, narcissistic individuals who exhibit like behavior.


In the meantime, since his base includes “evangelicals,” maybe we should do some research on the definition of that term.

It is impossible to have one’s cake and eat it too.

Arthur P. Nelson Jr., North Hills

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