
Opinion: In a year of tax cuts and Trump, don’t expect much holiday cheer from readers

Some Times letter writers have said the withered Christmas tree at Piazza Venezia in Rome serves as a visual metaphor for the 2017 holiday season.
Some Times letter writers have said the withered Christmas tree at Piazza Venezia in Rome serves as a visual metaphor for the 2017 holiday season.
(Alberto Pizzoli / AFP/Getty Images)
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Regular readers of the Los Angeles Times’ letters page know that our writers tend to criticize more than praise — in other words, letters that react negatively to an article or an event come in much greater numbers than those that respond favorably.

This typically holds true for holiday seasons as well, and this year is no exception. So far, several readers have colored their commentary on the Republican tax bill — a topic on which they have expressed very strong opinions — with cynical holiday cheer.

Below are some letters that reflect this trend, along with one that expresses cynicism-free gratitude.


Denise Gee of San Clemente gives holiday props to firefighters:

I am quite sure this letter will not be printed because it has nothing to do with allegations of harassment, the tax bill, the United Nations vote, Democrats, Republicans, tweeting, Bitcoin, the NFL, climate change, crowded malls, “The Last Jedi,” Papa John’s or North Korea.

I write this letter in the hope that we acknowledge every single firefighter who has stepped into harm’s way. Whether we were in the path or watched the news from our safe homes, the sacrifice these amazing men and women made and continue to make, taking them far away from their homes and families at a special time of year, is deeply appreciated.


Thank you.

Los Angeles resident Warren Kourt withholds holiday wishes from Congress:

Surely Congress will get the “Scrooge” award for 2017, especially the Republicans who passed a bill that gives hundreds of billions in tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations, imperils the health insurance of millions of people and will result in new efforts to cut Medicare and Social Security.

Meanwhile, some of the lawmakers who are opposing the $81-billion disaster relief package for California, Texas and Puerto Rico believe it increases spending too much.


Bah, humbug to the Republicans in Congress. I hope they enjoy their Christmas as others suffer because of them.

Sol Taylor of Studio City points out a worrisome coincidence:

It may be a prophetic coincidence that this Christmas season, the Rome Christmas tree is almost leafless and serves as a stark reminder of things to come, and the U.S. has passed an uber-friendly tax bill for the wealthy that will leave the space beneath many Christmas trees less than lush in the coming years.

June Maguire of Mission Viejo directs her holiday ire at Wells Fargo for a conspicuously timed employee pay raise:

We’ve read much about Wells Fargo & Co.’s scandals, so the announcement that the bank’s leadership has decided to increase the minimum wage of its employees could be read as a gesture of goodwill and an attempt at corporate renewal during this holiday season.

But, alas, the rest of this Christmas story shows politics, in a pathetic subservience to Trump and his gigantically unpopular tax cut, made the employee raises possible.


At Wells Fargo, the scheming never stops.

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