
Opinion: Don’t dismiss the charges against Ref Rodriguez as indicative of a ‘rookie mistake’

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To the editor: It is surprising to me that in this time of questioning election results and discussions on voter fraud, Peter Cunningham would give Ref Rodriquez — the L.A. school board member who until this week served the body’s president — a pass on the allegations of violating campaign finance laws. (“Charges against Ref Rodriguez for a rookie mistake are all out of proportion,” Opinion, Sept. 21)

Campaigns are part of the election process, and the laws are to be respected. Even the “rookie mistake” of allegedly reimbursing campaign donors to create “the illusion of strong and organic grass-roots support” could affect an outcome, particularly one that has very local consequences. A “rookie” wouldn’t even think or know about ways to thwart campaign finance laws.

The felony criminal charges filed against Rodriguez are not too harsh, especially in light of how out-of-control campaign spending has become thanks to special interests that serve mainly corporations.


The ones that really have a stake are those who must personally deal with the election outcome on a day-to-day basis. In the case of Rodriguez, those are the students, parents and teachers — the grass roots, in other words — that the candidates seek to serve.

Jenene Schafenacker, Dana Point


To the editor: I absolutely agree with Cunningham that the Rodriguez is apparently being unfairly singled out for felony charges. This sounds like some kind of vendetta.


The “rookie mistake” that Rodriguez made is baffling enough considering that there were no campaign donation limits. But the fact that he cannot negotiate a settlement in this matter is astounding.

Rodriguez is an experienced and dedicated activist for charter schools. Is there something here that we are not being told?

Judith Bronowski, Pacific Palisades


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