
Opinion: Trump has given plenty of reasons for liberals to be uncivil about him

Investigators gather near the scene of a shooting last Wednesday in Alexandria, Va.
(Alex Wong / Getty Images)
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To the editor: A few supporters of President Trump blame “liberal news organizations” for “feeding the deranged mind-set of radicals,” to quote directly from one letter. (“Are anti-Trump media to blame for the Alexandria shooting? Some readers say yes,” Readers React, June 17)

What these people miss is the simple point that we liberals are not responding to media prompts such as those from Breitbart or Fox News. We are responding to the simple reality of what Trump actually does or wants to do: gutting environmental protection, repealing financial regulations and consumer protection, pushing for the privatization of public education, eroding healthcare, implementing massive tax cuts for the rich and engaging in friendly relations with autocrats.

No spin or phony conspiracies are in play here.

Jan Rainbird, Irvine



To the editor: I have been able to vote starting with President Eisenhower. Since then, I am unable to recall any candidate utter the vindictiveness that Trump has.

When he was running for president, Trump offered to pay the legal fees of anyone who roughed up hecklers at his rallies. Have we ever seen a candidate who maligned his opponents the way Trump did? When have we ever heard a president call the media the enemy of the American people?

It is not a wonder that this president has touched a very raw nerve in the public. The fault for the total lack of civility in politics today lies not with the Republicans or the Democrats, nor with the so-called left or right. Rather, the fault belongs to the most important man on this planet.


Ed J. Mizrai, Woodland Hills

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