
Opinion: Steve Bannon is out, but the rot at the core of the White House remains

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To the editor: I can’t understand why Steve Bannon’s basket of deplorables are upset over his ouster as President Trump’s chief political strategist. I am even more surprised that many pundits feel his expulsion from Trump’s White House solves anything. (“With Bannon out, does anything really change in the Trump White House?” Opinion, Aug. 18)

Since Trump was inaugurated, the “alt-right” mob only played the role of dog-whistle providers. You can peel away at every layer of right-wing staffers at the White House, and when you get to the core, you will find that the source of all this bigoted behavior is Trump.

Sure, people like Bannon managed to paint the president into a corner on many issues. But Trump does not need any help in that department. Without assistance, he somehow manages to run to that proverbial corner with buckets of paint. Sad!


Homer Alba, Glendale


To the editor: While we discuss the effect of the departure of one bad guy from the White House, let’s not forget the many destructive and incompetent people who are secure in their positions and will not be departing.

As just one example, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s ongoing efforts to damage the environment and reverse progress made on fighting climate change will have lasting effects. Getting him out seems impossible with Trump cheering him on and the rest of the Republicans either doing likewise or staying silent.


Jack Holtzman, San Diego


To the editor: We’re ringside for the match of the century: Loose Cannon versus Loosed Bannon.

Mark Steinberg, Los Angeles

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