
Opinion: Trump’s sexually suggestive tweet on Sen. Gillibrand is the last straw. He should resign

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) was recently the target of a sexually suggestive tweet by President Trump.
(Alex Wong / Getty Images)
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To the editor: President Trump has had a year to grow into his position as the nation’s chief executive. Rather than use that opportunity to behave as a leader, he has instead given rein to his worst impulses and made the poorest possible choices. (“Trump slams Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a critic, with sexually suggestive tweet,” Dec. 12)

His odious tweet on Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) — saying she would “do anything” for campaign donations — exemplifies the downward spiral. It indicates that any remorse he expressed after the release of the stomach-churning “Access Hollywood” tape during the 2016 campaign was an insincere political tactic.

His alleged harassment and abuse of women, evidenced by more than a dozen women’s statements as well as his own recorded boasting, makes it clear that he has no place in the public life of our nation, much less as our president.


It is time for all Americans to call on Trump to step down.

Duane Bindschadler, Venice


To the editor: To quote Theodore Roosevelt, “Every time he opens his mouth, he subtracts from the sum total of human wisdom.”

As I read the growing list of articles about Trump’s grotesqueries, either tweeted or spewed from a podium, I try to imagine any one of his misshapen misstatements coming from the mouths or the pens of past presidents, and it is inconceivable. Not a single American would have stood for one syllable, if uttered by Bush I, Clinton, Bush II or Obama.


And those who’d have screeched the loudest in full-throated shock and outrage? Of course, they now constitute Trump’s base. We have achieved collective insanity.

Julie Atherton, Tustin

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