
Opinion: President Trump should stop trying to undermine our independent judiciary

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To the editor: President Trump’s criticism of opponents for “judge shopping” is misleading. Together with White House comments questioning the legitimacy of “unelected” judges, these statements represent a threat to the rule of law and the independence of the federal judiciary. (“‘We’ll see them in the Supreme Court’: Trump plans to defend his order threatening funding for ‘sanctuary cities,’” April 26)

The city and county of San Francisco filed its lawsuit over the Trump administration’s order to strip federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities in the court that serves San Francisco. There is no basis to believe the decision to file there was somehow manipulative, nor is there any basis on which to suggest the judge in the case was selected by anything other than random assignment, according to the court’s usual practice. That federal judges are not elected protects their independence.

Trump and his attorney general have disparaged federal judges who have ruled against the administration. Both should apologize and stop undermining trust in our judicial system and the rule of law.


Laura W. Brill, Los Angeles

The writer, an attorney who specializes in appeals, is a former U.S. Supreme Court clerk.


To the editor: U.S. District Court Judge William Orick III states Trump’s Jan. 25 executive order on federal funding for sanctuary cities is unconstitutional.


Really? Trump is doing nothing more than enforcing laws already in place to defend our borders. If anyone is performing unconstitutional acts, it is Orick, who surely had to raise his right hand and promise to act in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

Arthur Senzy, Santa Monica

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