
Readers React: Principled Republicans went extinct long before they could have stood up to Trump

Sens. Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, two of Trump's biggest Republican critics in Congress, in 2013.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)
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To the editor: How many more op-ed articles do we need about “principled Republicans” standing up to President Trump? Reading Doyle McManus make recommendations to them was like watching a child give marching orders to his stuffed animals.

The Republican Party has become Trump’s cult. To the extent there are Republicans in government who don’t sufficiently exalt the dear leader, they have done exactly nothing about it, and I’m including the John McCains, Jeff Flakes, Mitt Romneys and Bob Corkers of the world. Strongly worded statements are worthless.

If they truly appreciated the threat, they would register as Democrats.

Branden Frankel, Encino



To the editor: By now we should all be used to the major verbal missteps of Trump. But one has to wonder where the media’s outrage was when the actions of President Obama resulted in Russia regaining its strong position on the world stage.

Obama took effectively no action over Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, and he failed to act when Syria crossed the “red line” that he drew on using chemical weapons, allowing Vladimir Putin to gain a foothold in the Middle East.

More damage has been done by Obama’s actions than Trump’s words.

Janet Polak, Beverly Hills


To the editor: McManus warns Republicans they are in danger of surrendering their souls to Trump. Silent Republican evangelicals unabashedly surrendered their souls in 2016.


In a recent interview, evangelical activist Ralph Reed attempted to explain why his brethren supported Trump: They voted “not for the lesser evil but for the greater good.”

Do we need to remind them they once voted for Republicans because they believed the GOP was a bulwark against godless communism? Where are their voices now after Trump’s cave-in to Putin?

June Maguire, Mission Viejo


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