
Opinion: Even if the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, the U.S. must safeguard its elections

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To the editor: James Kirchick dismisses the steady drip of leaks regarding Hillary Clinton, especially during the final months of the presidential campaign, as “some cockamamie Russian plot to steal the American presidency.” (“If Trump were really in league with Russia, that would be reassuring for America’s civic sanity,” Opinion, June 18)

It was well known in 2016 that Russian President Vladimir Putin detested Clinton. It is also a fact that the Russian government quite clearly interfered with the campaign. What we do not yet know is whether President Trump or anyone in his campaign worked with Russia, or if anyone on the campaign made representations to any Russian officials regarding the lifting of sanctions. This is all for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to find out.

What we do know is that Trump cheered on the Russian interference.

If Kirchick calls Putin’s success “cockamamie,” he is being either foolish or naive. We should all be concerned about this so we can prevent Russia from replicating its efforts with greater energy in our 2018 and 2020 elections.


Frances Hayward, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: Kirchick notes that Trump probably did not collude with the Russians and is only guilty of being “unpatriotic” and an “unscrupulous jerk.” On the adjoining page Dr. Prudence Gourguechon, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, summarizes important characteristics of leaders found the Army Field Manual, including trust, discipline, self-control, critical thinking and empathy.

Most Americans thought Trump lacked the qualifications to be president, resulting in a popular vote that was decisively against him. Trump has proved himself unqualified, and the Republicans who continue to support him are responsible for the pervasive animosity over his presidency.


I’ve voted for Democrats most of my life, and although I often disagreed with the policies of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and the two Bushes, I never thought of referring to any of them as unpatriotic jerks. I cannot say the same for Trump.

Brian A. Federici, Riverside


To the editor: I take exception to Kirchick’s blanket assertion of an “apathetic populace.” This statement ignores the fact that hundreds of thousands of us are protesting in both big and small ways.


An estimated 500,000 people in Washington alone protested on Jan. 21; worldwide, up to 5 million people demonstrated that day. Just because there aren’t hundreds of thousands protesting weekly does not mean we are apathetic. We are conducting small, local protests, increasing the numbers in our national and local political groups, and inundating our representatives with letters and phone calls.

We are organizing and educating. We are voicing our beliefs and concerns to our friends, family and acquaintances through community forums and social media.

It’s not “we” who are letting Trump get by with his demagoguery, it is the Republican-controlled Congress. Shame on Kirchik for blaming the people.

Maryanne Rose, Laguna Niguel

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