
Pet of the Week

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Florence came to the shelter in August, when her owner apparently could no longer care for her. She is thought to be a Labrador retriever mix, with perhaps some shepherd in her background.

Flo is mellow and well behaved. She walks gently on a leash and displays good manners around other dogs. Weighing just 50 pounds and estimated at 8 years old, she is spayed, house-trained and generally healthy. At times, she has trouble with her back legs, which might suggest arthritis — treatable with medication.

Flo’s adopter should be sensitive to the needs of a senior dog, who requires a bit more attention to physical comfort. Such attention is bound to be rewarded by the pleasurable companionship of such a sweet soul. Adoption fees are discounted 50% for all canines over 5 years of age — including friendly Florence. For more information, call (714) 536-8480 or visit
