
Tuesday’s Republican National Convention schedule

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Major speakers scheduled for Tuesday’s session of the Republican National Convention. Sen. John McCain of Arizona is set to become the party’s presidential nominee.

The program begins at 6 p.m. local time in St. Paul, which is 4 p.m. PT.


PRESIDENT BUSH: He’s been here before, of course. In 2000 and again in 2004, George W. Bush accepted the Republican nomination in prime-time on the closing night of the convention. With five months left in office, he is in the spotlight on the second night, giving a party valedictory.

FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: No one living in the White House is more popular than this former school librarian from Texas. She has focused attention on reading and literacy as well as gang violence at home and women’s issues overseas, particularly HIV/AIDS.


INDEPENDENT SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN OF CONNECTICUT: It’s rare that a non-Republican, not to mention a former Democrat, scores a speaking role at a GOP convention. Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000, is a close friend of McCain’s and has broken with Democrats over the war in Iraq. He has angered them further with his criticism of nominee Barack Obama.

FORMER SEN. FRED THOMPSON OF TENNESSEE: The lawyer turned actor turned senator had exited the political stage to join the cast of television’s “Law and Order.” Urged to run for the presidency last year, Thompson entered the race with little impact and exited quickly. He remains popular among conservatives.

HOUSE MINORITY LEADER JOHN BOEHNER OF OHIO: The nine-term congressman from southwest Ohio, Boehner endorsed McCain just before Ohio’s March primary. He has been a reliable supporter of the Bush administration and the Iraq war. He also was a key backer of the No Child Left Behind education legislation.


SEN. NORM COLEMAN OF MINNESOTA: He won the admiration of many Republicans by defeating former Vice President Walter Mondale in 2002, helping the GOP win control of the Senate. Being an enthusiastic supporter of President Bush has proven to be a liability in his re-election campaign this year. He led efforts to build the Xcel Energy Center when he was mayor of St. Paul and was instrumental in bringing the convention to the arena.

ORSON SWINDLE: A Marine Corps pilot during the Vietnam War, he spent more than six years in POW camps and shared a cell for a time with McCain. Swindle was a member of the Federal Trade Commission from 1997-2005 and was an assistant secretary in the Commerce Department under President Reagan. An adviser to the McCain campaign, he is also a close friend of the Arizona senator.

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN OF MINNESOTA: The telegenic freshman lawmaker is popular among conservatives. She has taken a leading role on the GOP’s push for more domestic drilling, making nationally televised TV appearances touting the effort.


RNC CHAIRMAN ROBERT M. “MIKE” DUNCAN: A banker from Kentucky, Duncan has been involved in all levels of GOP politics for 30 years. He served in the George H.W. Bush White House as assistant director of public liaison and was appointed to the board of directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority by President George W. Bush.

JO ANN DAVIDSON: She is co-chairwoman of the Republican National Committee and chairman of the 2008 Republican National Convention Committee on Arrangements. She served in the Ohio House for 20 years and was its speaker from 1995-2000.
