
Google camera hops aboard a cruise for Street Views of the Danube River

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Google’s Street View camera took a cruise on the Danube River last summer, courtesy of Tauck River Cruising.

The 360-degree photos of views along the lower river from Slovakia to Romania were posted recently with the online Street View collections.

It’s a good resource for anyone who is contemplating a river cruise on the Danube and wants to preview what a trip might be like.


Highlights include the Bratislava Castle in Slovakia, and the Szechenyi Chain Bridge and Hungarian Parliament building in Budapest. (You can see Budapest’s skyline by day and by night.) The river cruise ship also passed by the Church of St. Philip and Jacob in the city of Vukovar, Croatia.

The Trekker, as the camera is known, has 15 lenses and snaps photos that are stitched together to make a compelling, moving panoramic image.

To capture the river, the camera was mounted aboard Tauck‘s ms Treasures riverboat. The ship holds 118 passengers


In all, the camera rolled in six countries: Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania.

The camera didn’t just snap what was outside the boat either. It also photographed the Compass Rose dining room, the Panorama Lounge and other parts of the ship.

Google started the Street View project in 2007. Since then, it has traveled to 66 countries and traveled to the ends of the Earth, including Antarctica and the Arctic.


Info: Street View of the Danube River
