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The Board of City Directors has voted unanimously to rescind a controverisal assessment district after weeks of bitter outcry from Pasadena residents who threatened a recall.

During three public hearings held late last month, hundreds of angry homeowners demanded the firing of City Manager Donald McIntyre for presenting the assessment district plan to city directors, who approved it earlier this year. Residents also threatened a recall election of the seven-member board if the assessment district were implemented.

The citywide district would have levied a early fee for 10 years ranging from $60.11 to $96.67 aganinst owners of average single family homes to pay for $17 million wotrth of repairs to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street lights.


After saying”we bungled it,” during the public hearings, city directors voted to rescind the district at Tuesday’s regular board meeting. Director John Crowley invited residents to meet with city officials to discuss alternate ways of payng forthe repairs, which have been deferred for several years by the city because of lack of funding.
