
Countywide : 121 Agencies May Get Larger Allocations

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If the United Way of Orange County meets its goal of raising $18.4 million, 121 county health and human care agencies can expect about a 10% increase in their allocations next year.

The fund-raising campaign will kick off Sept. 14. Last year, the organization raised $16.4 million in Orange County, United Way spokeswoman Judy Trest said.

Of this year’s hoped-for $18.4 million, $13.5 million will go to the agencies while the remaining $4.9 million will be set aside for administrative costs and other projects, such as emergency agency needs. About 15 cents out of every dollar collected goes toward administrative costs, the United Way reported.


Of $13.5 million recommended for the agencies, $1.5 million will go toward 19 Latino agencies, Trest said. The agencies have been targeted to receive an 11.9% increase over last year’s allocations, she said.

United Way decides who gets how much through an annual review process conducted by volunteers.

The largest 1986 allocations are slated for:

American Red Cross in Santa Ana, $1.4 million.

Boy Scouts of America in Santa Ana, $835,678.

American Cancer Society in Costa Mesa, $669,743.

Girl Scout Council of Orange County in Costa Mesa, $560,151.

Catholic Community Agencies in Santa Ana, $472,820.
