
Garden Grove : Driver Escapes After Being Kidnaped in Car

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Garden Grove police on Sunday were searching for two men who briefly kidnaped a 30-year-old Santa Ana man as he sat at the wheel of his Mercedes at an intersection.

The victim, who was not identified, was at the corner of Orangewood Avenue and West Street about 2 a.m. when “a guy drove up in another car and motioned for the victim to roll down his window,” Sgt. Ken Whitley said.

“About that time, another man got into the victim’s car from the passenger side and threatened the victim with a sharp object. The other suspect then got in the victim’s car, and they drove it away, with the victim in the middle. They drove around for a while and tried to get money from the victim, but he only had one dollar.”


Whitley said the kidnaped man convinced his captors that he could get money if they would drive him to his home in Santa Ana. “When they got there, the man was able to get inside his house and shut the door,” Whitley said. “The suspects escaped.”

The victim suffered cuts on the arm and was treated at Chapman General Hospital.

The kidnapers abandoned the kidnaped man’s car in Orange and fled in their original car, Whitely said.

Police said one man was blond and about 25 and the other had black hair and a mustache and was about 35. A third man might have been involved, Whitley said.
