
San Diego companies are in the midst...

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San Diego companies are in the midst of issuing their first-quarter financial statements and, for the most part, the performances were reflected in the price of their shares last week, according to Irving Katz, director of research at San Diego Securities.

Imperial Corp. of America was up 0.75 to 13 on improved first-quarter earnings of 48 cents per share, compared to 33 cents a year ago.

Sun Savings & Loan was down 0.375 to 2 on a first-quarter loss of $1.60 per share that resulted in a negative net worth of 54 cents, according to the S&L;’s calculations, said Katz.


Cipher Data was up 2 1/2 points to 19 3/4, a continuing response to improved earnings on a quarter-to-quarter basis and a record backlog of $56.6 million that has grown by 30% since Dec. 31, Katz said.

Issco was down 0.5 to 12, as quarterly income comparisons continued to recede.

Wavetek was up 0.875 to 9 1/8 as it reported a profit of 7 cents for the second quarter. That compared with a 3-cent loss during the same quarter a year ago.

IRT had a double misfortune as its stock dropped 1 3/8 to 8 1/8 with the resignation of Robert Mertz, who had headed the company for 11 years, and an expected $4-million loss for the year was announced.


Mission West Properties was up 0.875 to 10 1/8 following the announcement of the proposed sale of its Delmar Properties with the realization of a capital gain in excess of $10 million. Intermark, which effectively controls Mission West, continued to make new highs, moving up 0.375 to 17 7/8.

San Diego Gas & Electric was down 0.375 to 33 following the abandonment of its proposed holding company until a more appreciative state Public Utilities Commission is in place, Katz said.

Some stocks always move up and down on no apparent news, said Katz. For example, he said, Rohr was down 1 1/2, Western Health Plans was up 1, International Robomation was up 2 1/2, Maxwell Labs was up 1 1/2, Price Co. was up 2 1/2 and Synbiotics was up 1 point in the past week.
