
‘Missing the Point’ on Hostages, Iran and Reagan


Who are these night riders? What kind of hocus-pocus is the Iran- contra connection? Washington, Jefferson, Adams et al didn’t set up a National Security Council to be our Congress nor a CIA to be our executive branch.

All of Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya and Iran rolled into one is not as much a threat to my freedom as a cabal of night riders saving the nation from its enemies by suborning the Constitution!

There is reason aplenty to ask these questions and get some answers. The night riders scenario is not new to this world. The dust bin of history overflows with the ashes of great institutions brought down by the corruption of their principles.


When our Constitution was ratified Ben Franklin challenged me. He said, “Here is your freedom, see if you can keep it.” So I want answers. Who are the night riders--what kind of hocus-pocus is going on--and is the Constitution still the law of the land?


Garden Grove

The Times is receiving about 50 Reagan-Iran-contra letters a day; the sentiment is 10 to 1 against Reagan.
