
Californians’ Votes on Road Bill Override

United Press International

Following is how members of the California delegation voted Tuesday when the House acted to override President Reagan’s veto of the highway bill:

Democrats for override--Anderson, Bates, Beilenson, Berman, Bosco, Boxer, Brown, Coelho, Dellums, Dixon, Dymally, Edwards, Fazio, Hawkins, Lantos, Lehman, Levine, Martinez, Matsui, Miller, Mineta, Panetta, Roybal, Stark, Torres, Waxman.

Republicans for--Konnyu, Lewis, Lowery, McCandless, Packard, Pashayan, Thomas.

Democrats against--None.

Republicans against--Badham, Dornan, Dreier, Gallegly, Herger, Hunter, Lagomarsino, Lungren, Moorhead, Shumway.


Republicans not voting--Dannemeyer.
