
No Nudes Good News to Paper in Britain

Associated Press

A new national newspaper funded heavily by left-wing municipalities, labor unions and leftist sympathizers made its debut Sunday and promised not to print photos of nude women, a staple of London’s racier tabloids.

The weekly tabloid, News on Sunday, is the only national newspaper not owned by business interests, apart from the daily Communist Morning Star, which has a circulation of 28,000.

News on Sunday printed 1.6 million copies of its first issue, but Editor Keith Sutton said it expects to settle down at around half that figure.


An editorial in the paper called it “a dream come true . . . a dream of a radical, independent, popular newspaper that stands up against the privileged and the powerful.”

In addition to ruling out photos of nudes, the editorial pledged to fight racism and sexism and to defend workers and the unemployed.
