
Loss of Appetite Over Council Budget


It is certainly revealing--as a matter of fact, it took my appetite away--to read that “for decades the Beverly Hills City Council has been meeting for dinner twice a month at city expense--and at the most expensive restaurants. (Times, Sept. 18). The published figures show tabs from five restaurants averaging about $300 each for the group. Council members justify this by saying that “dining together twice a month after afternoon sessions ensures that all five members will return on time for the night’s meeting” and that “having dinner allows them to get to know each other on a more human basis, particularly after hours of often opposing words.”

Why don’t they take turns and dine at each other’s homes? Won’t this accomplish the same thing at less expense to the taxpayers? Or isn’t dining at home conducive to good constructive conversation? Or perhaps they should try Norm’s Hamburger Hamlet, the Stage Deli, Juniors or Nate ‘n Al. A turkey sandwich and a dill pickle might be just the thing after one of their meetings. If nothing else will solve the many problems facing Beverly Hills today, perhaps a change of diet on the part of council members will do the trick.


Beverly Hills
