
Remodeling Moratorium Extended

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Most remodeling or enlarging of buildings in Hermosa Beach will be blocked until early next year as a result of a City Council decision this week to extend a moratorium on such construction while it completes revisions of the city’s Building Code.

The moratorium adopted Tuesday runs until March 15, and applies to residential and commercial structures that do not conform to current zoning. Because of extensive zoning changes in recent years, about 90% of the structures in the city do not meet current zoning regulations, according to residents and city officials who spoke at the council meeting.

The moratorium extends a 45-day interim ban on issuing building permits that was imposed March 14. It generally exempts projects submitted before March 14.


Also exempt are projects whose cost is not more than 50% of the value of the existing structure, those that do not require demolition of more than 10% of the existing house and others that provide at least two parking spaces for each housing unit.

Hermosa Beach is attempting to bring houses and other buildings into compliance with new guidelines aimed at reducing density.
