
Bradley: ‘Not Yet Enough’

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Bradley has been our mayor for five terms and has built a reputation as a politician whose ethics and integrity are beyond reproach. Through his leadership he has guided our city to be among the finest in the United States. It is unbelievable to see and hear the attack on our mayor. So many people are so ready to believe the worst.

Just to address a couple of ridiculous accusations. Bradley has been accused of improving his investments. We elected a bright and progressive man and isn’t it great he was able to invest wisely? Many of us were fortunate and did the same.

Not placing the funds given by the federal government in an interest-bearing account was a definite goof! But who was really responsible? Shouldn’t one look at the person who usually places these type of funds and realize the ball was dropped at that level? This entire situation seems to be a vindictive one. Who is so angry? Who is so hostile?


I sincerely hope the furor will subside so Los Angeles can continue doing business as usual with Mayor Bradley at the helm.


