
Two Views of Judge Margaret Grignon


The publicity and praise that Judge Margaret Grignon is receiving to me is most unjustified.

I have had the personal experience of sitting in Judge Grignon’s court for many days. Her “tough” approach to criminals is not so much for justice, but just plain lack of knowledge of criminal law. This was very obvious when the attorneys present and her own colleagues said “Your honor, you can’t do that--the law says, etc.” Why Gov. George Deukmejian and Justice Armand Arabian of the state Court of Appeal are pushing her forward is beyond comprehension.

She lacks the knowledge and experience for criminal court. That’s why she sends everyone to jail because she doesn’t know what else to do. Judge Grignon also experiences a convenient memory loss and has blatantly allowed a deputy D.A. to lie about certain facts in a case, then refused to hear testimony regarding the truth of the particular matter in the case. This omission of the truth and disallowing of testimony was very detrimental to the defendant.


I say “thumbs down” on Judge Margaret Grignon and God help us all if she gets appointed to the state Court of Appeal.


West Hills
