
Attorney Says He Will Oppose Gallegly

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Richard Freiman, a Camarillo tax attorney making his first run for public office, has announced he will seek the Democratic nomination next year against U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley).

The 41-year-old Freiman said he plans to criticize Gallegly for his opposition to abortion and for his stand on wages and working conditions. Gallegly has served two terms as U.S. representative for the conservative 21st District, which covers northwestern Los Angeles and southeastern Ventura counties.

Freiman, an Agoura resident, acknowledged that he faces an uphill struggle to unseat Gallegly in the district, where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats about 3 to 2. Gallegly beat his Democratic challenger, Thousand Oaks attorney Don Stevens, 70% to 26% in 1988.


“I don’t see anyone else running,” Freiman said. “From what I hear, Democrats view this district as impregnable, but I feel someone should run” against Gallegly.

Freiman said he did not have plans to raise campaign funds, but that he would be making as many public appearances as possible.

He said abortion rights will be his main campaign theme and he criticized Gallegly for taking “no-choice” positions on abortion. He said Gallegly has voted against federally funded abortions for rape and incest victims and has favored a constitutional amendment banning abortion.


“I feel there will be a lot of crossover votes by Republicans,” he said. “There are a lot of yuppies here and they feel strongly about pro-choice.”

Freiman also complained that Gallegly has voted repeatedly against hikes in the federal minimum wage while voting to increase congressional salaries.

Freiman described himself as a moderate on social issues and a conservative on defense and foreign policy matters. Despite recent events in Eastern Europe, he said he opposes “wholesale cuts” in defense spending, saying the United States should always negotiate from a position of strength.
