
Prostitution Sting Nets 62


Sixty-two men were arrested in the sports arena for soliciting prostitutes Friday night, marking the San Diego Police Department’s second largest overnight crackdown, a police spokesman said.

“Operation John,” deploying female police officers dressed as prostitutes, swept the Midway, Rosecrans and sports arena area monthly in response to many complaints from residents and business owners.

“We want the community not to be bothered by this business,” spokesman Bill Robinson said, adding that similar operations are being planned in other parts of the city.


Among the 62 arrested was a 15-year-old, a teacher and a Michigan man in San Diego for his brother’s graduation from boot camp. So far 211 people have been arrested in the sting operations on misdemeanor charges of soliciting for prostitution.

The 62 arrests marked San Diego vice’s busiest night since 63 people were arrested recently in a similar operation in the 3200 block of Main Street.
