
Europeans Seek Cap on U.S. Media Exports

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From Reuters

In a move certain to set off a battle with Washington, the European Community wants the right under new international trade rules being negotiated to keep out foreign films and television shows, government sources said Wednesday.

The EC has served notice that it wants special treatment for television and films in any agreement on removing barriers to trade in services in the current four-year talks taking place under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

“Our major concern is to protect our cultural values,” said one EC negotiator.

The Europeans are concerned that they are being swamped with American television programs and movies. But Hollywood studios and the U.S. government say the move is discriminatory and arbitrary.


The EC official said the Community wants to ensure that the new pact, to be concluded in December, would not clash with last year’s EC directive requiring that a majority of the programs on European television be European-made.

As European broadcasting is deregulated, sharply expanding the number of channels available to viewers, U.S. programs have soared in popularity.

Similarly, local film producers in Europe have faced increasing difficulties in competing with high-budget Hollywood films.
