
Bush’s Tears

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As it is unacceptable and in extremely poor taste for me to use the expletives that come to mind while reading your letters (“George Bush’s Gulf Tears,” June 20), I will simply say how utterly disgusting many so-called “socially aware” people can be in this area.

What morons these people are! President Bush is not only one of the greatest Presidents America has ever had, his handling of the true barbarians (Iraqi military) was nothing short of magnificent. Force is the only thing these animals understand, and Bush, while sincerely compassionate towards the innocent in Iraq, dealt properly with these monsters.

It is typical of these idiots who would have our country bend to every challenge to attack our great President rather than see our enemies for what they really are.


Congratulations to our President and our military for doing what needed to be done in an area of the world that knows no compassion for anyone or anything but their own!

