
Subpoenas for Riot Photos


Subpoenas for unpublished photographs and videotapes of the riots absolutely must be refused. Journalists braved the storm that swept Los Angeles and now law enforcement wants to use their photographs to identify looters? For two days, where was the LAPD?

The Times must take the stand for 1st Amendment rights--reporters must have access to the inner city. If The Times and other news media lose access, the public loses access. If the public loses access, God only knows what could be next. It is imperative that the media be priests of their own parish.

The looting and arsons are the responsibility of the Los Angeles Police Department, not the press. Refuse to submit the photographs.


Without the press window, we wouldn’t have witnessed the open season the LAPD gave arsonists. The reporters and photographers displayed courage in the face of chaos--they are among the heroes of the riots.


