
Loan Guarantees for Israel


With Shimon Peres as foreign minister and Shulamit Aloni of the Meretz Party as education minister, the Rabin government will be strongly left-wing, in no way centrist.

Indyk continues: “Those who profess a desire for peace in the Middle East have in this new Israeli government their last, best chance.” Wrong again! Peace does not, and will not, depend on Yitzhak Rabin. It will come, if it does, only after the leading Arab countries change from the despotisms to real democracies. For now, they are unstable tyrannies in a declared state of war against the Jewish state.

Indyk says that “Rabin is a strategic thinker with a territorial approach to Israel’s security,” but then adds that Rabin wants Israel to be prepared for “territorial or other compromises.” It is interesting, in contrast, that more than 100 American generals and admirals have declared that Israel cannot be militarily defended unless it has control of the high ground (the mountain areas) in Judea and Samaria.


SOL MODELL, Woodland Hills
