
2 Dozen Sign Up on Last Day to Register

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About two dozen people went to the county elections office Monday to take advantage of the last day to register to vote in the California Primary next month, officials said.

“It was business as usual,” said Bruce Bradley, the assistant registrar of voters for Ventura County. “We had more people coming to get their absentee ballots than people coming in to register.”

Bradley said his office received more than 1,000 pieces of mail Monday. “But most of those seem to be changes of address or party, rather than affidavits (of registration),” he said.


More than 366,000 people are registered to vote in Ventura County in the June 7 election, a precursor to the fall ballot that will decide the next governor and a host of local and other statewide offices.

Of those, Republicans and Democrats are fairly evenly split. Bradley said there are 145,468 Republicans and 140,778 Democrats registered to vote in Ventura County.

Those numbers will change slightly by next week, after elections officials process the registration applications still arriving in the mail, Bradley said.


The balance of the registered voters in the county are split between the Green Party, the American-Independent Party, the Libertarian Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, miscellaneous parties and those undeclared, Bradley said.

Over the past 10 years in Ventura County, less than 45% of those eligible to cast ballots in the primary election have turned out to vote.
