
Number of U.S. Firms Raising Dividend Payout at 15-Year High

From Bloomberg Business News

U.S. companies so far this year are paying out more of their profits in the form of dividends to shareholders, with the number of companies increasing their payouts at a 15-year high, Standard & Poor’s Corp. said this week.

S&P; said 590 U.S. companies increased dividends in the first quarter, the most since 1981 and an 8% increase over last year.

In addition, there were fewer divided reductions or omissions in the first quarter than since S&P; started keeping records in 1956.


In March, dividend increases were up 19% from last year as 165 companies increased their payouts, compared with 139 last March.

For all of 1996, dividends on the S&P; 500 are likely to exceed 1995 levels by 6%, S&P; said.
