
Compromise Sought on Studio Expansion

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Although city zoning officials already have approved CBS Studio Center’s plans to build a six-story parking garage as part of its expansion, the Studio City Residents Assn. is continuing its effort to negotiate a compromise with the studio and the city.

At a neighborhood meeting Monday night, a list of four conditions passed a vote by a roughly 3-to-1 margin. The association, which has appealed the city’s decision, plans to present the list to CBS and the city in the upcoming weeks.

If adopted, the conditions would:

* reduce the 1,400-space parking structure from six to five stories, at a maximum height of 55 feet.


* allow for resident input into structural design aimed at reducing visual impact.

* provide for traffic mitigation measures, including posts installed to block access to residential streets.

* require that CBS landscape the area along the Los Angeles River on Valleyheart Drive, a spot that proved troublesome for CBS last summer when the studio turned it into a makeshift parking lot, irking residents.

Patti Amaral, chairwoman of the association’s committee on the parking structure, conceded that a victory on appeal is “not very likely.” But even if the formal appeal fails, she believes a compromise is within reach.


Amaral said studio President Michael Klausman has indicated he is receptive to the association’s concerns.

“They’re finally paying attention to things that will make people’s lives more comfortable,” she said.

Klausman could not be reached for comment Tuesday.
