
After-School Program Gets $10,000 Boost


A private foundation recently created to pay for after-school activities and athletics programs at junior highs and high schools around the city has received a boost from a $10,000 loan from the Anaheim Union High School District.

The school board voted this month to give the Anaheim Prep Sports-Activities Foundation start-up money, which will be paid back once the foundation brings in some donations, said board member Harald Martin.

The nonprofit foundation is a joint venture between the city and the school district to raise private funds for after-school activities such as craft classes and sports. The money will pay for coaches, staff and equipment.


“What we want to do is find a way to put 400 kids out playing baseball or football and some kids in after-school activities, like jewelry making,” Martin said. “We’ll provide them with an opportunity to stay on campus with supervised activities and hopefully keep them away from things like gang activity.”

Martin said the foundation is asking for community and business support and will be applying for state and federal grants. He added the Anaheim Police Officers Assn. has pledged to hold a fund-raiser for the foundation in the spring, and that Katella High School is planning a jog-a-thon.

School District Supt. Jan Billings said some after-school sports already are offered, but the foundation would provide the means to expand them so more students could participate.
