
Closed Hearing Held on Firing City Employee

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Sierra Madre officials held a closed-door hearing Tuesday on whether to fire an employee who is suing the city in federal court for allegedly violating her rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Sallyann Mallen, a city planning associate for 10 years, was placed on administrative leave June 11 and given a termination notice. She is entitled to a hearing before the notice takes effect. The result of the hearing before City Administrator John Davidson is expected to be announced in the next few days.

The firing effort comes five months after Mallen filed a lawsuit that contends the city had failed to recognize her chronic fatigue illness. Mallen, 50, has Epstein-Barr virus, said her attorney, Linda Thorton.


The city informed Mallen she is being dismissed for other, work-related reasons, Thorton said.

Davidson said he could not comment on the case because it is a personnel matter. Fliers have appeared citywide supporting Mallen.
