
Inspector for Jails


“Baca Backs Ex-Justice as Watchdog” (Dec. 12) reported that former Supreme Court Justice Armand Arabian approached Sheriff Lee Baca and indicated that he would like to serve as the inspector general of the L.A. Sheriff’s Department jails. The news story also reported that Baca is putting Arabian’s candidacy forward to the Board of Supervisors, which is where Arabian should have gone in the first instance.

Arabian’s appointment should not happen. The public is entitled to an objective and vigorous overseer of Sheriff’s Department operations. If the overseer seeks the sheriff’s support and is appointed at the urging of, or even with the approval of, the sheriff, the public can have little confidence in the overseer’s objectivity, independence and tough-mindedness. The public requires a strong, skillful, resolute oversight authority who can and will enforce reforms in the face of management obstinateness. The sheriff’s backing of Arabian arouses fear that department policies, which have annually cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in wasteful, unconstitutional practices, will continue unabated and uncorrected.


Los Angeles
