
College Trustees Vote to Keep Lobbyist

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Trustees of the Ventura County Community College District have voted to renew the annual contract of the district’s legislative advocate, Arnold Bray.

Bray will receive $2,184 a month, plus necessary expenses, to continue to lobby before the Legislature in Sacramento on behalf of the district, trustees decided late Tuesday. So far during the 1998 legislative session, Bray has monitored 125 bills that had some impact on community colleges.

Most recently, Bray worked to secure district funding from the state’s Partnership for Excellence program, a $100-million effort to improve community colleges.


The district was allocated $2.2 million from those funds.

Bray also advocated legislation that gives district officials greater flexibility in firing academic and administrative employees.

The bill--AB 1647--changed one of the criteria for dismissal from “incompetence” to “unsatisfactory performance.”
