
Matt Fong


Re “Boxer, Fong in Opposite Camps on Armed Forces,” Sept. 16:

A return to the ‘80s? Surely Matt Fong can’t mean the era of huge deficits caused by a massive buildup in military spending coupled with tax cuts. We’ve only now managed to balance the federal budget and the GOP senatorial candidate wants to go back to those bad old days. He advocates construction of an unproven anti-missile system that Sen. Barbara Boxer voted against and the military doesn’t want. And he wants to pay for it by cutting taxes.

Fong says that civilians should stay out of military decisions. Maybe he should take his own advice.




The secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff request additional funds for the defense budget (Sept. 15). The U.S. military is stretched thin around the world. Members are leaving the service, benefits have eroded and morale is poor. If additional funds are not appropriated for the defense budget, the military may not be able to meet mission requirements.


Barbara Boxer stated the military budget is “about right.” Fong states that military spending cuts have been too aggressive and gone too far. The military needs an infusion of funds to keep experienced people and develop weapon systems. Boxer stated, “It is Matt Fong against Boxer and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” If that is true, why are the secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff asking for additional funds? Does Boxer have to have an enemy invading her neighborhood before she will support military spending?


